About Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand

All bandstand concerts are free and open to the public. Funding for our concerts comes largely from individuals, so we encourage you to offer your financial support when our red buckets are available during concert intermissions. Our all -volunteer non-profit organization, Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand, Inc., deeply appreciates your contributions as we count on your donations to keep our concerts going now and in the future as well as helping to maintain our town treasure, the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand.
Please give in any way you can. Cash, appreciated stock, or a planned gift are ways you can help.
You may send a check, made payable to “Friends of the Bandstand,” at the address below. All donations are tax deductible (our Federal EIN Number is 02-0479353).

Friends of The Wolfeboro Community Bandstand
P. O. Box 2055
Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894-2055
Or check us out at:
wolfeborobandstand.org or on Facebook
Friends of the Wolfeboro Community Bandstand

Located in Cate Park along the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, the bandstand has not only become a visual symbol of our town, but also a venue for town events. Saturday evenings in the summer translate into music under the stars. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the evening with family and friends. To check out the schedule of events at the bandstand, check out the sign post along side the bandstand near the parking lot that will give you the schedule. All Saturday evening concerts are from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. If concerts are canceled due to rain, notification will be made using signs at the bandstand and postings on Facebook and at this website.